Saturday, August 30, 2014

Lonely Planet's Guide to Travel Writing Exercise 1 page 13: Questions

(What are your travel passions? Think about your three most recent trips).

My travel passions are mainly traveling through imaginary but well-crafted worlds through writing or through videogames. But if we are talking about places in real life, then my most recent trip was Myrtle Beach, South Carolina last July. I enjoy beaches and nice, warm weather. Furthermore, I really can't think of any other recent trips! I've been to Kennywood and that, but not this year... I've been to the Carnegie Science Museum last semester. I don't know! I really haven't traveled much.

(What are the things you seek out when you travel, the experiences that really move you? Why?).

When I was traveling there, I'll admit I was seeking out babes, but I was with family (it was a family trip) so that doesn't work out well. I was just enjoying the nice weather, the light and heat of the bright sun, the warm ocean and its woosh sounds as its waves rolled to shore. I guess you can say I like relaxing sensory experiences. We went to nice restaurants and then to the boardwalk to shop and watch fireworks.                                                                                    

I also like being challenged, in general. Be it trying to find my way around the unknown area or any other challenge that appears. I also love learning! I seek out any information about the place.

(What activities were common to all three? Make a list of three things you love to do. Consider each of these. Why do you love it and what have you learned by doing it? Could this be the nucleus for a story?).

Three things I love to do while traveling? Eat! That's definitely one. Experiencing whatever things that are unique to that area. And possibly meeting new people. But most definitely, I enjoy relaxing areas.

I love it because food is yummy, and sometimes there's food unique to that place, or at least it tastes different, even if it's just a burger. I'm a guy; I love food. Also, I am a very open-minded person so I love trying new things; life would be extremely boring if we just tried the same experiences over and over! Meeting people in the area can be fun because they can tell you cool things about the place, like personal stories or its history; plus they could offer to show you around and take you to even cooler places in the area! And I enjoy relaxing because I'm just that type of person.

Could this be the nucleus for a story? Well, story ideas usually pop in my head whenever they want, so if I have the necessary information, I am sure to get a story. I guess I can't say that I promise the story would revolve around these things, but I guess they could, depending.

Topics in Nonfiction: Travel Writing

This blog will be devoted to my Travel Writing class this semester.

(What is your name?). Again, my name is Kevin Scrima. (What is your favorite color?). My favorite color is blue. (What is your quest?). My quest is to be awesome.  (What is the air-speed of an unladen swallow?). An African or European swallow?

Let's see. I have written a few novels before, mainly science fiction and fantasy. I have written and revised a memoir of mine which is self-published on Amazon (I still have yet to upload the revised version); I am still trying to get it traditionally published.

I really haven't been a traveler much, so this class will be interesting. I've been on vacation in South Carolina, Myrtle Beach but that's about it; otherwise, I stay in my room (lol).

This computer lab room is SO chilly!

I've also been learning coding since summer started; I began through CodeAcademy and tried every coding language they have to offer. Here on campus I am taking two classes where I am learning XML, HTML & CSS, and Java.

I am a senior and will graduate with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Writing with minors in Literature & Education (the major name has recently been changed to Creative & Professional Writing).

I am drinking a Snapple and under the cap is the following fact: "President Warren G. Harding once lost White House china in a poker game."

In a week or two I will be starting my own YouTube channel: A Let's Play channel and I will probably expand into doing others such as teaching or informing my audience. Hope it goes well!

Update: Look how far I've come this semester! I wrote a ton of blos, developed my YouTube channels, complete my semester, changed my job, published in the school newspaper, and done a TON of other stuff!

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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Starting Blog Again!

This is a tentative post.

I am writing this post to show that  I am back bitchezzzzzzzz. Woot!

Update: Lol at this post.

Definitly back, bitchezzz.