Thursday, February 5, 2015

Facebook Conversations: Ranting about Education to My Friend

i thought i knew what i wanted before going to college. I knew i wanted to be a better writer and a published author, so i went for that. i also thought i wanted to be a teacher. And one day a professor. College showed me i didnt. I didnt want to be part of the bullshit. I'd never want to be a professor. Now i just need to know what job i want to do with my writing.
And seeing all the college bullshit, it influenced me to go to YouTube and see how well id do at YouTubing. i love it, regardless of what happens. Ive made no friends there. I really didnt grow socially at college, though ive grown socially through other means and since high school.
College showed me i may want to be a programmer, too, so id maybe try that down the road. So ive found out a lot about myself through college and grown through it. It's been rough, though. None of this came easy. A lot of tears and sweat and pain involved.
Stupid thumbs up button...
I started learning from YouTubers and TED talks because i realized shool wouldnt teach me everything. They had their own agenda. They wont teach me everything i need to know or any useful skills.
i saw that and i was like... wtf. lol
lol its ok
it amde me wonder, why didnt i learn more about animation, or programming, or playing instruments, or writing a novel. Because of tests and how things were done in the past, that's why. They also dont teach self-development or about relationships. I couldnt trust the education system, i realized.
People made money playing video games and doing all this other fun shit. They didnt go to college. I mean you need a plan if you dont. College also doesnt teach you independent thinking. All a bachelor's degree is, is a promise to the middle class, essentially.
Even though i love learning, want to learn more, and better myself, i probably want to take a year off after graduating, and just work, do something with my degree, make youtube videos, try to get published. I need a year out of school, at the very least, because upg's environment instills so many negative emotions into me. Im burnt out. I dont want anymore bullshit. Listening to people talk, words i wont remember. Tests to assess that you did the work and remembered the information. I'm done with it all.
Personality, money, power, relationships, your culture, race, dna, drive/ambition, and maybe stupidness and intelligence, pretty much decides how well youll do in school and in life. I figured, no matter my grades or what i do now, my future is set. A B to an A won't change my future. All i need is the piece of paper saying i graduated, etc.
Yea. Exactly
I figure, ill never know everything or ill i need to know. I could try. I'd have to go to schooling for 1,000 years for tha to happen. But life is short. I dont want to spend my life this way.
Even grammar. Grammar doesn't need to be perfect. I mean, people should get the basics and most of it right, but if a few "rules" are broken, then so fucking what.
We learn information that doesn't help us make fucking money. But the teachers and the school makes money by just knowing information. That's what schools are: They make money off information.
Schools dont teach you how to make money. They prepare you to be passive and for your future job. Im just tired of all of it. Schools should teach you something useful. lol.
Money isn't everything you know
I definitely know that
I think what we all need to strive towards is figuring out what our happiness is.
Because it's different for everyone
google positive psychology. there's a lot of good tips
very true. i mean i go to school but... im not happy there. not happy with any of it anymore.
I can tell.
I feel like you need to just let yourself live a little. Stop trying so hard to work for your happiness and just let yourself experience it yknow?
Life isn't all about how much you can learn or how much power you can gain. It's about experiences. People. Relationships. That's what defines us. Everything else is just extra.
That's what I feel, anyway.
thats true.
maybe just let the learning and power come as it goes.
Don't be so concerned with that you can gain from life, and more what you can give by the way you live it.
i do look at what i can give. that's why i make videos and write
im not only looking to gain. I also want to gain so i can give more.
I just mean in general.
This is all stuff I'm still learning too.
it's weird at my age, everyone's still sucky at human relationships. lol. people arent good at learning stuff about that. maybe because it's too complex or people are too greedy. idk
Humans are complex. We change By the day. It's hard to learn about someone else when you have to keep up with learning yourself.
That's why dating is so hard.
yeah we learn about ourself and another person, but that self changes as the days go by
And relationships fail because we are, by our nature, pretty selfish beings. So we focus on ourselves and how we can improve instead of building each other up. The ideal couple grows together. Figures out new things about themselves, and shares it with the other so they can grow.
Yeah. True. People should come together, but they dont.
i want to sleep. but i have to write a stupid story something involving ethnicity. ethnic fiction . see ,fuck school
You'll be okay
You could always drop out.
i have two months left. id be a fucking dumbass if i did that
and all that previous work would have been for nothing
I know. I'm teasing you
fuck this story
Do it tomorrow.
i cant. i have my ten thirty class
have any pages of story that involve ethnicity? lmao
Uh... No. Lol
im gonna google free ethnic stories.
got notin
why the hell dont i havea YouTUbe class?
I'd already be done with that class.
Haha. Yea you would.
im gonna complain tomorrow that there's no youtube class
You should! File a complaint. Make it official.
Chat Conversation End
Sent from Monroeville

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